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Spettrografia & Fotometria > Spettrografo > Shelyak > eShel > Shelyak Spettroscopio eShel lense version
Prodotto n.: 55232

Spettroscopio eShel lense version

$ 11.900,00 IVA incl., più spese di spedizione
troppo caro?
a breve termine
spedibile in 1-2 settimane + Tempo di trasporto

Descrizione prodotto

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eShel is your complete echelle spectroscopy solution for your astronomical projects.

It is based on Shelyak's strong experience in spectroscopy (with design and manufacturing of the Lhires III and Lhires Lite) and nights of observations including with MuSiCoS & Narval spectroscopes. This practical experience helped Shelyak to design a robust and productive solution in the field.

Echelle spectroscope with lense:

  • Resolution > 10.000
  • f/5
  • FC connector for 50µm fibre
  • Acquisition 85mm f/1.8 lens, back focus 40 mm max
  • Visible domain (around 450-700nm)

Shelyak designed the spectroscope with Christian Buil, a higly recognized optician expert. The software module has been written by Michel Pujol, an expert in Tcl/Tk and AudeLA platform. They both complement Shelyak's expertise to bring you the best solution in echelle spectroscopy for astronomy!



Shelyak Spettroscopio eShel lense version

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