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Astrofotografia > Fotocamere > Telecamere astronomiche > Starlight Xpress > Trius > Starlight Xpress Fotocamera Trius PRO-814C Color
Prodotto n.: 33557

Fotocamera Trius PRO-814C Color

$ 3.350,00 IVA incl., più spese di spedizione
troppo caro?
a breve termine
spedibile in 1-2 settimane + Tempo di trasporto

Descrizione prodotto

Offerta speciale: il Omegon ADC Atmospheric Dispersion Corrector è disponibile a un prezzo speciale fino al 15 ottobre. L'ADC è un accessorio utile per la fotografia planetaria!

Purtroppo, questa descrizione non è stato tradotto in italiano, in modo da trovare a questo punto una descrizione inglese.

Trius: top-quality cameras from Starlight Xpress

Starlight Xpress is best known for its compact, innovative designs and outstanding quality. The new Trius series is entirely in keeping with this tradition. The cooled cameras from Starlight Xpress for deep sky photography surpass their predecessors in terms of noise performance while still maintaining fast download times of around two million pixels per second.

Some of the innovative features of the new Trius cameras include:

  • An integrated USB hub allows you to connect up to three peripheral devices to the camera (5V DC at a maximum of 200 mA). This means that you avoid a lot of tangled cables on the telescope. A guider can be connected via the RJ11 output.
  • The high-quality Trius cameras have a multi-coated quartz glass optical window.
  • The Peltier cooling system is the best possible available for such compact cameras. A built-in fan on the back of the camera pulls air through small holes in the front. An additional fan is attached to the side to keep the outer body of the camera cool in warmer weather.
  • The chamber in which the CCD sensor is housed is filled with argon to ensure that no moisture can condense on the sensor. Argon's low thermal conductivity also supports cooling.
  • The adjustable adapter plate on the front of the camera allows the sensor to be aligned parallel to the telescope focal plane.

Starlight Xpress uses only high-quality grade 1 or better CCDs: no dead pixels, no defective columns!

You are stepping into the world of high-end astrophotography with a Trius camera from Starlight Xpress



Tipo di fotocamera
Camera Astro CCD
Tipo di sensore
chip CCD (ICX814)
Dimensioni del chip (mm)
Risoluzione foto
Rumore di lettura
Camera a colori
Dimensione pixel
diagonale chip (mm)


Ruota portafiltri


Diametro (mm)
Lunghezza (mm)
Peso (g)

Campi di utilizzo

Luna e pianeti
Nebulose e Galassie

Accessori raccomandati

Filtro (2)
Filtro blocca banda

Omegon Filtro UV/IR CUTOFF 1.25''

$ 79,00*
Spettrografia & Fotometria (1)

Paton Hawksley Spettroscopio Star Analyser 100

$ 209,00*

*Tutti i prezzi includono IVA e costi di spedizione.

Starlight Xpress Fotocamera Trius PRO-814C Color
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