Più di 7500 articoli pronti a magazzino
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I vostri partner per la astronomia
Prodotti 1 - 36 di 220
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Willmann-Bell Annals of the Deep Sky Volume 1 to 10
Annals of the Deep Sky Volume 1 to 10
$ 610,00
spedibile in 24 ore
Willmann-Bell Annals of the Deep Sky Volume 10
Annals of the Deep Sky Volume 10
$ 67,00
spedibile in 24 ore
Willmann-Bell Annals of the Deep Sky Volume 9
Annals of the Deep Sky Volume 9
$ 67,00
spedibile in 24 ore
Willmann-Bell Annals of the Deep Sky Volume 8
Annals of the Deep Sky Volume 8
$ 67,00
spedibile in 24 ore
Willmann-Bell Annals of the Deep Sky Volume 7
Annals of the Deep Sky Volume 7
$ 67,00
spedibile in 24 ore
Evident Olympus Microscopio Olympus CX23 Photo, trino, plan, 40x,100x, 400x, LED
Evident Olympus
Microscopio Olympus CX23 Photo, trino, plan, 40x,100x, 400x, LED
$ 2.160,00
spedibile in 3-5 settimane
Willmann-Bell Annals of the Deep Sky Volume 4
Annals of the Deep Sky Volume 4
$ 67,00
spedibile in 24 ore
Willmann-Bell Annals of the Deep Sky Volume 5
Annals of the Deep Sky Volume 5
$ 67,00
spedibile in 24 ore
Willmann-Bell Annals of the Deep Sky Volume 3
Annals of the Deep Sky Volume 3
$ 67,00
spedibile in 24 ore
Willmann-Bell Annals of the Deep Sky Volume 2
Annals of the Deep Sky Volume 2
$ 67,00
spedibile in 24 ore
Evident Olympus Microscopio CX43 Standard, trino, infinity, LED, ohne Objektive!
Evident Olympus
Microscopio CX43 Standard, trino, infinity, LED, ohne Objektive!
$ 4.210,00
spedibile in 3-5 settimane
Evident Olympus Microscopio Olympus CX23 RFS1, bino, plan, achro, 40x,100x, 400x, 1000x, LED
Evident Olympus
Microscopio Olympus CX23 RFS1, bino, plan, achro, 40x,100x, 400x, 1000x, LED
$ 2.010,00
spedibile in 3-5 settimane
Willmann-Bell Annals of the Deep Sky Volume 6
Annals of the Deep Sky Volume 6
$ 67,00
spedibile in 24 ore
Willmann-Bell Annals of the Deep Sky Volume 1
Annals of the Deep Sky Volume 1
$ 67,00
spedibile in 24 ore
Evident Olympus Microscopio Olympus CX33, trino, r, plan, 40x,100x, 400x, LED
Evident Olympus
Microscopio Olympus CX33, trino, r, plan, 40x,100x, 400x, LED
$ 3.300,00
spedibile in 3-5 settimane
Evident Olympus Microscopio Olympus CX33 trino, l, plan, achro, 40x,100x, 400x, LED
Evident Olympus
Microscopio Olympus CX33 trino, l, plan, achro, 40x,100x, 400x, LED
$ 3.690,00
spedibile in 3-5 settimane
Evident Olympus Olympus Lens Cleaning Tissue
Evident Olympus
Olympus Lens Cleaning Tissue
$ 21,90
spedibile in 3-5 settimane
Evident Olympus Adattore Fotocamera Olympus U-CMAD3-1-7 C-mount (U-TV1X ,U- TV0,5X, U-TVZ,U-TVZA)
Evident Olympus
Adattore Fotocamera Olympus U-CMAD3-1-7 C-mount (U-TV1X ,U- TV0,5X, U-TVZ,U-TVZA)
$ 249,00
spedibile in 3-5 settimane
Evident Olympus Microscopio Olympus CX23 RFS2, bino, plan, 40x,100x, 400x, LED
Evident Olympus
Microscopio Olympus CX23 RFS2, bino, plan, 40x,100x, 400x, LED
$ 1.570,00
spedibile in 3-5 settimane
Evident Olympus Microscopio Olympus CX43 FL, trino, infinity, LED, senza objectives
Evident Olympus
Microscopio Olympus CX43 FL, trino, infinity, LED, senza objectives
$ 10.000,00
spedibile in 3-5 settimane
Evident Olympus Microscopio Olympus CX43 POL, bino, LED, ohne Objektive!
Evident Olympus
Microscopio Olympus CX43 POL, bino, LED, ohne Objektive!
$ 5.800,00
spedibile in 3-5 settimane
Evident Olympus Microscopio stereo zoom SZX7, bino, 0,8x - 5,6x per collo di cigno
Evident Olympus
Microscopio stereo zoom SZX7, bino, 0,8x - 5,6x per collo di cigno
$ 3.830,00
spedibile in 3-5 settimane
Evident Olympus Microscopio stereo zoom Olympus SZX7 ILLTQ, trino, achro, 1x, LED
Evident Olympus
Microscopio stereo zoom Olympus SZX7 ILLTQ, trino, achro, 1x, LED
$ 7.900,00
spedibile in 3-5 settimane
Evident Olympus Microscopio Olympus CX43 Ergo, bino, infinity, LED, ohne Objektive!
Evident Olympus
Microscopio Olympus CX43 Ergo, bino, infinity, LED, ohne Objektive!
$ 5.500,00
spedibile in 3-5 settimane
Evident Olympus Microscopio Olympus CX43 Standard, bino, LED, w.o. objectives!
Evident Olympus
Microscopio Olympus CX43 Standard, bino, LED, w.o. objectives!
$ 4.060,00
spedibile in 3-5 settimane
Evident Olympus Microscopio Olympus CX43 basic equipment with photo output_2, trino, infinity, LED, without objectives!
Evident Olympus
Microscopio Olympus CX43 basic equipment with photo output_2, trino, infinity, LED, without objectives!
$ 6.000,00
spedibile in 3-5 settimane
Evident Olympus Microscopio stereo zoom SZ61, per collo di cigno, trino
Evident Olympus
Microscopio stereo zoom SZ61, per collo di cigno, trino
$ 3.830,00
spedibile in 3-5 settimane
Evident Olympus Microscopio stereo zoom SZ61, per illuminatore anulare, trino
Evident Olympus
Microscopio stereo zoom SZ61, per illuminatore anulare, trino
$ 3.890,00
spedibile in 3-5 settimane
Evident Olympus SZ51, Stereo Zoom, binoculare
Evident Olympus
SZ51, Stereo Zoom, binoculare
$ 3.610,00
spedibile in 3-5 settimane
Evident Olympus Microscopio stereo zoom SZ 61TR, luce trasmessa e riflessa, trino
Evident Olympus
Microscopio stereo zoom SZ 61TR, luce trasmessa e riflessa, trino
$ 5.400,00
spedibile in 3-5 settimane
Evident Olympus Microscopio stereo zoom SZ61 illuminatione translucente, trinoculare
Evident Olympus
Microscopio stereo zoom SZ61 illuminatione translucente, trinoculare
$ 5.300,00
spedibile in 3-5 settimane
Evident Olympus Microscopio stereo zoom SZX7, bino, 0,8x - 5,6x per illuminatore anulare
Evident Olympus
Microscopio stereo zoom SZX7, bino, 0,8x - 5,6x per illuminatore anulare
$ 4.500,00
spedibile in 3-5 settimane
Evident Olympus Microscopio stereo zoom SZ51, per collo di cigno, bino
Evident Olympus
Microscopio stereo zoom SZ51, per collo di cigno, bino
$ 2.040,00
spedibile in 3-5 settimane
Evident Olympus Microscopio stereo zoom SZ51, per illuminatore anulare, bino
Evident Olympus
Microscopio stereo zoom SZ51, per illuminatore anulare, bino
$ 2.100,00
spedibile in 3-5 settimane
Evident Olympus Microscopio stereo zoom SZ51, luce trasmessa, bino
Evident Olympus
Microscopio stereo zoom SZ51, luce trasmessa, bino
$ 3.420,00
spedibile in 3-5 settimane
Evident Olympus Microscopio stereo zoom SZX7, trino, 0,8x - 5,6x, con luce trasmessa
Evident Olympus
Microscopio stereo zoom SZX7, trino, 0,8x - 5,6x, con luce trasmessa
$ 9.100,00
spedibile in 3-5 settimane