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Astrofotografia > Fotocamere > Telecamere astronomiche > Starlight Xpress > Trius > Starlight Xpress Fotocamera Trius SX-46 Mono
Prodotto n.: 56657

Fotocamera Trius SX-46 Mono

Prezzo di vendita consigliato: $ 6.200,00 Il nostro prezzo:
$ 5.400,00 IVA incl., più spese di spedizione
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a breve termine
spedibile in 1-2 settimane + Tempo di trasporto

Descrizione prodotto

Offerta speciale: il Omegon ADC Atmospheric Dispersion Corrector è disponibile a un prezzo speciale fino al 15 ottobre. L'ADC è un accessorio utile per la fotografia planetaria!

Purtroppo, questa descrizione non è stato tradotto in italiano, in modo da trovare a questo punto una descrizione inglese.

The SX-46 and SX-56 Cameras by Starlight Xpress are full-frame CCD cameras with 16.7 megapixel sensors. They utilises the popular KAF-16200 ( APS-H format array of 27 x 21.6 mm, 6µm pixels) and KAF-16803 sensors (square format array of 36.8 x 36.8 mm, 9µm square pixels) respectively. The Sensor habe a peak quantum efficiency of approximately 58% at 530nm. The use of a full frame chips requires a mechanical shutter and so SX have developed a custom roller blind assembly that uses mini stepper motors to provide an extremely uniform shutter action.

These two cameras incorporate many special features that improve on some other KAF-16200 and KAF-16803 based products:

A multi-coated synthetic sapphire input window. The extremely high thermal conductivity of sapphire (about 25x better than glass) eliminates the need for a window heater, by conducting waste heat from the camera body to the entire window surface. Dewing of the window is extremely unlikely to occur, even with maximum CCD cooling.

A stepper driven roller blind shutter with extremely uniform illumination of the sensor, even at 0.1 second exposure time. The shutter is designed for robust long-term use, but is also very easy to service or replace, if necessary.

A compact, dry argon filled CCD chamber, with O ring sealing. No desiccant to regularly replace. The window is easy to clean with an air duster or soft cloth.

Built-in LED flood illuminator for RBI elimination (trapped electrons from previous images).

Fast image download time - approximately 6.5 seconds for a full 16.7 megapixel image.

A three stage Peltier cooler to give better than -45°C below ambient, with an efficient temperature controller to keep power consumption to less than 2 amps at 12v DC.

Standard 'Trius' 3 port USB 2 hub built-in.

A compact overall size of 136 mm square and 70 mm deep (+ handles). Only 1.7 Kg total weight.

With a Trius camera from Starlight Xpress you take a step into the high-end applications of astrophotography!



Tipo di sensore
chip CCD (Kodak KAF-16200)
Dimensioni del chip (mm)
27 x 21,6
Dimensione pixel
Risoluzione foto
4540 x 3640
USB 2.0
Camera a colori
Differenza max. di raffreddamento sotto la temperatura ambiente
Tempo min. d'esposizione
Rumore di lettura
Full Well Capacity
diagonale chip (mm)
Innesto camera


Ruota portafiltri


Peso (g)
Dimensioni esterne Lunghezza x Larghezza x Altezza (cm)
7 x 13,6 x 13,6

Campi di utilizzo

AllSky, Meteore
Luna e pianeti
Nebulose e Galassie

Accessori raccomandati

Filtro (2)
Filtro blocca banda

Omegon Filtro UV/IR CUTOFF 1.25''

$ 79,00*
Spettrografia & Fotometria (1)

Paton Hawksley Spettroscopio Star Analyser 100

$ 209,00*

*Tutti i prezzi includono IVA e costi di spedizione.

Starlight Xpress Fotocamera Trius SX-46 Mono

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